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3 Tips For Your First White Water Rafting Trip

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Whether you are going on a vacation to a location known for white water rafting, or simply want to go white water rafting for the first time in your own state, your first white water rafting experience is sure to be a memorable one. You are likely feeling excited but also a bit nervous as you prepare for your first white water rafting experience. Being prepared and knowing what to expect will help the day go more smoothly and also calm your nerves. Here are three tips for your first white water rafting experience:

Dress for the Elements  

Wearing the right clothes on the day of your white water rafting trip will help ensure you stay comfortable all day. Remember that you will be getting wet during your trip, so dress accordingly. A swimsuit with quick-drying shorts and a quick-drying tee shirt or tank top over it will be ideal. You should also wear sturdy shoes that can get wet and that won't fall off easily, such as water shoes. Finally, be sure to pack a set of dry clothes to change into after you get off the raft so that you don't have to ride back to your car or hotel with wet clothes.

Choose Your Guide Carefully

The right guide will make your white water rafting experience feel both fun and safe. When choosing a white water guide, opt for someone who has significant experience, carefully adheres to safety best practices, and has many positive reviews online. They should also offer white water rafting trips specifically for beginners. 

Prepare Physically

Finally, know how to physically prepare for your trip. White water rafting involves a lot of physical exertion, so come prepared by drinking plenty of water the day of your trip, carrying a water bottle with you, and eating a light, nutritious meal beforehand. You don't want to be distracted by hunger on your excursion, but you also don't want to be overly full and uncomfortable.

In addition to staying hydrated and eating nutritious food, you should also bring sunblock with you. Chances are you will be in the sun most of the day and you don't want to go home with a painful sunburn.

When you have a white water rafting trip coming up soon, it pays to be prepared. Simply follow the tips in this blog post and you will be ready to fully enjoy your white water rafting experience.
